Custom Portrait/Profile Pic

Custom greyscale watercolour/acrylic portrait
Perfect for a Facebook Profile Pic!
The painting will be 3x4 inches and available for you to purchase as only the digital copy or both the digital copy and hard copy. If you choose to have the hard copy sent to you, please be sure to include your address.
The portrait will be done based on a photo that you will email to me after purchase at [email protected]. Please use the subject "Photo for Custom Portrait from Big Cartel" so I do not miss it.
Digital copy may be used for Facebook Profile Pic or other personal use. Personal use includes but is not limited to: printing on magnets, greeting cards, photo paper and distributing for free. Using it in the sale of goods or services will not be allowed without express permission from the artist.
Artist will use image in their portfolio but will not sell or distribute copies.
If you do not buy the hard copy, the artist retains the right to sell it or include it in a future exhibition.